Monday, August 8, 2011

A Matter of Perspective

I know it is no great discovery, but sometimes our ability to see things is hindered by where we stand. Take the following case, for example.

I have been going for lunch hour walks for over a year, and one of my regular routes takes me down Dundas Street through Chinatown. This is what I normally see:

A little while ago, I varied from my routine and walked on the north side of the street. Because I was not not looking straight ahead, I noticed things I had never seen before:
In particular, I noticed the moose above the restaurant sign. As you can tell, the moose is rather large, yet it never registered until I looked at it from across the street. Now that I know it's there, I can hardly believe that I never noticed it. After all, it's not exactly hiding in the woods:
I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad -- the moose seems admirably camouflaged to hide in Chinatown.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



This is one of my favourite photographs of my father. I know it's not a particularly good photo, but it was a fun day. Whenever I see it, I remember him wandering around the fairgrounds and watching the work horses. For a few brief minutes, it was as if he'd been transported back to the early '40s when he was a boy on a farm in south-eastern Saskatchewan.

I'll miss him.